When I first read COVID-19 clairvoyantly a couple of months ago, I saw a love energy come through, and then I saw a dark energy consisting of fear and panic. It was very confusing for me. I wasn’t sure what to make of reading two such opposite energies at the same time. What I took from this picture was that I needed to vibrate at the frequency of love, which would help me stay focused through this difficult and uncertain time. So, that is what I did.
As the virus continued to spread, the fear and panic grew. I started to get pain from my back up my neck, consistent pressure around my head, and became very tired. When I tried to read clairvoyantly, I saw a heavy dark energy around my head, trying to block my vision and ability to communicate with energy and beings. I stayed on my regimen of meditation, healthy eating, drinking water, and getting outside. I pulled out one of my favorite crystals to help me amplify a healing energy for my body and auric space. I was patient and consistent, continually chipping away at this control energy that was trying to block and invalidate my psychic and mediumship abilities. I persevered with my work and finally blew this energy from my space. I could see clearly again. I regained ownership through discipline, perseverance, and determination. The challenges COVID-19 creates are beyond physical, moving into the emotional and mental realm, asking us to filter information and get into spirit for guidance and answers. In this article, I am exploring COVID-19 on an energetic level, how the energy is affecting the individual as well as our human evolution. My hope is that this article helps the reader further explore this experience for themselves. Ask, how do I want this experience to help positively change my life and accelerate growth for humanity? As with all my work (consultations, classes, articles), I ask the recipient to integrate the communication that resonates, and filter what does not. To embrace and empower positive change, we each need to make decisions on the impact of this virus for ourselves. Everyone should always trust their intuition’s information first. With that said, let’s get into it! Pleiadian Guidance When I was trying to make sense of my recent psychic symptoms, I looked to my channellings with my Pleiadian friends, Norma, Adora, and Marna, for insight. Over the last year, I have written 10 channellings with them and noticed how each channeling built on the previous. Their information provided insights that helped me navigate a very challenging year. When I re-read the Pleiadian’s channellings in the context of the energy shift propelled by COVID-19, I noticed that much of their communication provided guidance for what we are currently experiencing. Their words, ring true more than ever. In my article You Are Here to Expand Infinitely, Marna says: "The time for transition and growth has arrived. Out of anxiety, fear, depression, and other difficult emotions that you've been experiencing, know that what is lying underneath is the need to explode from your spirit into creation in this lifetime. Lower vibration energies permeate when we are on the cusp of the possibility of spiritual growth. Unwrap those difficult energies, dig deeper and travel into your spirit for your discovery. Your discoveries will push the first domino allowing other vibrations to begin to release their impact. You will begin to notice a more detailed roadmap, a clearer view of your spirits trajectory. Not only does this process take courage, but it takes trust and faith in the knowledge that everything starts with energy, that all experience starts from spirit. As you begin to shift your energy and move into that perspective, your vibration in your body and in your mind will begin to change. The lesson here is to observe what's around you, your emotions, how the emotions are affecting your choices, and reevaluate where those choices are originating. Are they coming from your spirit, are they coming from societal demands?" COVID-19 challenges human health, while also triggering its social systems. When we consider Marna’s vision in relation, we see the bigger perspective of the energy weaving, helping us to create a more inclusive trajectory, and one that will ultimately benefit our planet as a whole. 2019 and 2020 Influences 2019 was a complicated and difficult year for many people. It asked us to confront large challenges and make big changes. From my 2019 Predictions article, I say: "2019 holds many challenges for the individual. It is time for all of us to step in into our light, shine bright, and allow others the space to do the same. Through one mindful decision at a time, we can all rise above the strife and conflict to create more harmony in our life and for others around us. If there is one mantra for 2019 it is this: the more we empower individual expression in others, the more freedom we all receive to grow, create, and thrive based on our authentic values and priorities." If 2019 was about the individual shifting to match their new trajectory, then 2020 is about the individual helping to shift the energy of the collective. In You Are Here to Expand Infinitely, Marna says: "Vibrations of humanity are working at coming into greater balance, a greater match with each other to regain the harmony that you have desired for so long." From my 2020 Predictions article, I read the energy of the year clairvoyantly. 2020 was vibrating at green for me, as it continues to in consultations. I say: "As I look, I am noticing a vibration of hope. For all of the difficulty within 2019, 2020 will bring a reaping of rewards as a force of change has been engaged. There's a need for us to move to a higher frequency as humans. We will start to see a lighter side of humanity. In this case, hope is an action, a representation that true change is being revealed." I continue by saying: "There is a great power coming through this green color that we are all being driven towards. All of us working this energy, reading this article, can feel the need for this change. We feel it actively, we are being guided towards it, and we need to take this momentum and run with it. We need to allow this power to show us where to go and how this trajectory moves us all forward as a species. Ultimately, 2020 invites the opportunity for us to step into our new role in our life with our family, our friends, our species, and our relationship with this planet." COVID-19 is showing us that we live in a global society, that each individual plays a part in healing this health crisis. We are asked, ordered, to take care of our body first through hand washing, not touching our face, and social distancing. The act of the individual benefits the whole of humanity. Body Effects Taking care of our body goes well beyond what the experts recommend. When going through a growth period in life, it is often accompanied by a health issue. The spirit can adjust to how we shift instantaneously. However, our body needs time to adjust to its new vibration. In How Growth Converts through the Spirit, Mind, Body, Norma explains: "Growth is a complex topic. It starts from within the spirit and migrates through the mind into the body. Somewhere along this path we make decisions to change or adapt to something that is no longer working for us. We want to start fresh, have a clean canvas, new pallet, start over. As a spirit the decision to make a change is not a complex one as we are able to shift directions instantaneously. However, being here on planet earth offers unique challenges as you have a body with which you have to contest. A body that takes up time in space and has formed relationships and preconceived notions and definitions of who it is in this environment and the space it inhabits within time. It starts with a vibrational shift from the spirit to the mind, and then our body needs to follow suit. This vibration shift is often met with resistance in our body and expressed as a health issue. This issue is a marker informing us that the process of change in the body is underway. So you go into cellular level, into organ functions, body functions, they all need to shift to catch up to that new vibration upon which you want to experience. This process of growth is allowing you to shift into that new space of change that you wanted to create, it is working to create a unity amongst the mind body spirit bodies. When we are not moving in conjunction or shifting in conjunction with these three bodies, that is when we feel disjointed. That is when your spirit is telling you one thing, your mind is making choices of another creation, and your body feels heavy, tired, alone. This is disjointed change. Creating change with those three bodies in unison is our greatest tool." The influence of COVID-19 shows us that we are in a massive, global growth period. In You are Here to Expand Infinitely, Marna says: "Not only are the energies in alignment, but your species is in alignment to move into the shift. For many it is very uncomfortable, it's very other-worldly, it's very pattern-changing. To have an experience with limitless possibilities for your species is intimidating because of the way that you have defined your existence in this dimension. It's obvious that your world is changing around you, your predisposed systems are showing signs of wear and tear and the planet and its functionality is a mirror to those societal systems that are unwrapping themselves. It is no longer feasible to do things the way that you have been conducting them." Marna goes on to say: "In your past, there has been a lot of priority on societal expectations. Now the shift is moving towards the individual’s needs in their expression of spirit, the basic needs to function as a healthy human and within a society that is supportive of the individual. Your species is under this shift and this is why the tension is so high. This is the true test at hand. This is what is underlying the performance of your society right now." It is showing us what change we want for ourselves, from each other, and our governments. It’s also showing the locations from which the challenges for this massive change originate. From my 2020 Predictions article, I say: "The fear of unknown consequences keeps us rooted in old patterns of the past. For many of us, we have understood stability through the consistency of our living situation, a paycheck, or familiarity of a community. The vibration of 2020 is asking for us to become bigger, better, stronger. We must redefine the meaning of stability for ourselves and develop new roots. Moving forward, stability inhabits a new paradigm. It is constructed through a combination of knowing our vulnerability while enveloping that space through nurturing healthy personal boundaries. From this place the true individual spirit can be expressed, and from those voices gather and create new societal paradigm." Marna continues: "It is a survival of the fittest situation happening for you right now creating much dichotomy in your society. So divisions can seem deep and unrelenting. However, because you're all being asked to rise to a new vibration, there is a lot of filtering taking place within each individual. This filtering feels painful, confusing, and complicated because it is questioning and challenging old manners of doing things, old foundations that were seemingly set solid. For each individual to willingly adjust to their next highest frequency, to do the investigative and healing work that will allow them to uncover their new truth, and ultimately to find their new place on their planet, is not an easy task." Mind Mechanics COVID-19 is asking us to evaluate exactly where we are in our life. It is challenging us to get in touch with our body and health; to evaluate where we call home, our place within our community, and our responsibility to each other, and our place within global society; to process our relationships with family and friends and support where we are able; and to look at our employer and how connected we feel to our work and how it integrates into our life. At times of great stress, it is hard to control the mental clutter and overwhelm. We all need to find our tools to curb mental gymnastics. First, get clear on COVID-19. Find resources aimed at informing the public. Information overload? Filter what you have learned, get clear in yourself as to the current state of affairs. In Rise into the New Vibration, Marna says: "If you can't find clarity start over from where you are. If clarity is hiding from you, find a new perspective. If clarity is eluding your progress, dig a hole in the earth and uncover new treasures. For clarity to be your friend walk with courage in the darker places illuminating the new light of expression and move forth into the sunset of the unknown." Second, check in with family, friends, and coworkers. Figure out where you can offer support to those we care about and then take action. In Love as a Healing Vibration, Norma says: "The energy of this planet is asking us to place our attention on the expression of love as a vibration. It is asking us to understand how to define, express, and share love in a neutral way." Third, find a way to move your body. Dance, play, workout, get into nature, do one or all of these things to reconnect to your body. These simple acts help you get out of your head and back into your body. Because COVID-19 is a pandemic, when we are thinking about it or researching it, we tend to match the energy of humanity. This pulls us out of our body and makes us feel ungrounded, fearful, and panicked (more about this in Spirit Expression below). In that state, worry and anxiety increase because we do not have the foundation of the Earth to help settle us into time and space, helping us to connect to knowledge of self. Fourth, meditate. Find your way of going within, calming your breath and energy, and connecting to your self. In Change as an Energetic Experience, Norma says: "First, connect with your meditation practice, go inside yourself, become peaceful, get to that place of inner peace, of quiet. That is the foundation, that’s your security, your home for feeling true freedom of spirit." Once you have calmed and created your connection, go a step deeper. In Love as a Healing Vibration, Norma says: "In meditation, a helpful exercise is to picture the planet earth, ask earth energy what it needs from you in present time, what you can do to help repair any of its pain and what you can do to add to its nourishment. Then, take action and move forward in such a way. That can mean taking a walk, planting a tree, tending to a garden, or just taking some time outside, maybe at the beach, walking through a forest, traveling to the desert to regain a connection that you need as well. The slow movement, the slower pace, the hearing of the birds, the listening of the river, the quiet sway of the trees in the canopy above, this is the connection to the earth, this is matching the earth’s pace. The connection starts in meditation. It is there that we clear our space, receive information about our next steps, as well as the needs of the Earth. It is from this caring for ourself, caring about others, and caring for our environment that we connect to the neutral vibration of love. The more we sit in this vibration, the more we match this neutral love vibration consistently, paying it forward daily and optimizing loves neutral healing ability." Meditation helps us settle into our body, slow our mind, and release from our ego by finding freedom in our spirit. In How Growth Converts through the Spirit, Mind, Body, Norma says: "Meditation allows us to access all three of those bodies, to check in to see where each one is in this process of growth and change. It allows us to step back from the ego, from the desire to be driven, to create, to produce, to answer a question, to fill a goal, and instead be in the present with the mind body spirit bodies. In that moment we can assess where each energy body is in this process of growth, if one needs compassion, if one needs an extra boost of energy or enthusiasm, if one needs to express itself through play, through nature, through grounding, through travel. In meditation we notice how each of these parts works together to form as a whole in this human body." If you would like a more structured practice, check out my Grounding and Boundary Techniques class. The effect of this process will allow you to clear mental clutter, create healthy boundaries, replenish, rebalance, and focus your energy, create clearer communication with your intuition, and find a deeper connection to peace, gratitude, and insight. However meditation works for you, utilize it now. It is a great tool in helping us face the challenges at hand. Spirit Expression All right, ready?! Let’s dive deeper into the influence of COVID-19 on our spirit. When I look clairvoyantly, COVID-19 is targeting fear and control energy originating in the 7th chakra. The 7th chakra is at the top of the head. COVID-19 is a Coronavirus. Corona means crown. The 7th chakra is often referred to as the Crown chakra. The 7th chakra relates to our relationship our spirit, others, and universal consciousness. COVID-19 is triggering a lot of fear and control energy in the 7th or Crown chakra. We are experience this energy trigger as fear of the unknown, fear of others’ affect on us and our life, fear of lack. The fear we are feeling from outside influence is triggering many of our actions, turning into panic. Panic is a control energy. Let me explain. In panic, we are dropping our grounding and personal boundaries. Instead of listening to our own intuition and discerning information for ourselves, we question, others are panicking, should we panic too? In this reaction we have foregone our power to discern information for ourselves and have instead yielded to our perception of the reaction of the collective. This perception is compiled through judgements we collect from various media channels and each other about the current state of our society and the experience of the world. It invalidates the individual, leaving us feel helpless and hopeless. So, we instead match group thought, which often leads back to the action of panic. Again, this is control energy. But! From what I have seen clairvoyantly, this event is triggering a deep release of fear and control energy. It is energy that we have each housed in our body mind spirit from this and multiple other lifetimes. Our job is to heal ourselves and get our space back. We do that by releasing fear and control energy from our space. In Change as an Energetic Experience, Norma says: "Fears being triggered? We must look beyond them. The fears that are coming up have been collected through many past experiences. Bubbling into the vision of the present moment, they act as blockades keeping us from what we are trying to create. Look at the fears, acknowledge them, move through them by understanding where they originated and the message they have for us in the present moment. Dig deep. Is it a learned limiting belief or someone else’s information? How is it impacting us now? Is it helpful or hurtful? What is the healing opportunity?" To release that fear and control energy, dive into it. Let that fear pop. Let that control energy vibrate. Let the unknown show itself. Look at it. Let it go. Let this deep release create an opportunity for healing. Be the observer of your fear. Look at the layers: dread, anxiety, worry, desperation. Do the emotions you are experiencing now relate to any other times in your life? Do you notice a pattern of how you respond in stressful circumstances? If you have researched your past lives or have always felt connected to certain other times in history, does the experience you are having now feel like the emotions relate? Receive any information that comes up without judgement or thinking. If nothing comes up right away, keep on your practice. Use discipline, perseverance, and determination. This is how we thaw the layers of trauma, by repeatedly consciously choosing healing. Over time, notice and allow the information to tell you a story. Relax into the experience. Allow yourself to match this opportunity for a massive psychic healing! In Rise into the New Vibration, Adora says: "Be patient on your journey and with your fears. They do cause you trouble, they harm your heart, and they agitate your stomach. You are all children in your lifetime working through challenges. Part of the work is learning from your fear. When you dive into fears instead of roll away from them, you cultivate courage. Steps become easier because you are moving into trust of self. Moving into trust of self allows your intuition to pop forth. This energy is jolting and exciting! It elicits movement in a fun, vivacious, and visceral way. Enjoy this lifetime, your lifetime, for all of its complicated mess. Roll with the punches, roll with the shadows, and roll down the current. Find your hidden flame and express it. This expression is the true essence of freedom. It is the truth of why we exist, to get the chance and the invitation to be an expression of our spirit." As we move through the fear, we begin to feel relief and see light. We ask, where is the new truth in the paradigm shift COVID-19 is creating? That is what each of us has to determine for ourselves. We contact our truth by investigating our body mind spirit, finding out where it needs healing and growth, and acquiring tools that support grounding and boundaries, helping us filter information from outside influence. From this foundation, the individual stands in their information and empowerment, contributing a vibration that nourishes the healing and health of all. This is where peace originates and fear and panic subside. So the 7th chakra, this is where our work is right now. This work enables the possibility of advancing humanity in a positive direction. That is very exciting, limitless! Let’s dive into this vision… Each individual is empowered through knowing themselves. Feeling fulfilled, we joyfully each ripple that vibration. This supports others right where they are at, in challenges or in triumph. This creates a community where all are focused on the good of the whole. So, when faced with dissenting opinions, we work through harmony. Everyone feels heard and therefore conclusions are developed benefitting the whole of society. Think it’s a completely wild and foreign concept? I suggest it's foreign only because of society’s recently traditional formulation. In No Time Like the Present, Norma says: "In your world, your linear thinking model has given you the luxury to entertain the existence of the past and the future. Now there is a need to face and focus in on the energy of the present. Power lies in the present, it is where creation and inspiration originate. When focused solely on the expression of the present moment, all of the energy from creation is available to move through you. You have spent many years being afraid of the power of this energy. The linear thinking model has given you the feeling of safety and control, it has given you the comfort of feeling like you know your place within the movement of time. Now, move from that model. Instead allow yourself to focus solely in the present. Here, control comes from knowing you are moving in time with your spirit’s expression. When humanity lost sight of their connection with their spirit and its connection to the divine is when humanity lost trust in moving with time in this way. You are now being asked to dive deeper. The present feels more stable once you get comfortable with moving in co-creation with your unique vibration. When you trust this flow, everything happens more quickly and gracefully. Universal consciousness is taken into account because you're moving at a deeply intuitive level that is naturally paired with divine timing. The trick is to shift from a model where belief is held in the feeling that other things are controlling you, to I own the power to manage my experience by creating with my spirit’s expression in time." Massive Psychic Healing When I look clairvoyantly, COVID-19 is targeting love as a healing energy originating in the 4th chakra. The 4th chakra is located in the chest, the heart center. This location is also where the virus is targeting our body, in the lungs. The 4th chakra relates to love for ourselves and others. This is the love vibration I was seeing when I originally read the virus. This is where the opportunity for healing starts. To release the fear and control energy we have been experiencing in the 7th, we all need to consciously and intentionally vibrate higher. Love is that higher vibration. In Love as a Healing Vibration, Norma says: "We must reconnect with what love means to us in our deepest of hearts. This means going back to nature to remove and clear our fears in order to move forward in deeper love for ourselves. So, it is not being in love but it is knowing of love and how to give that out as a vibration for others to feel and respond in kind with." Norma goes on to say: "We need this love to not only heal ourselves and heal others but also to heal the pain of the planet and the earth energy. We have been doing so much work as humans moving away from the love vibration that our earth neighbor, our animal neighbors, are starting to feel that vibration and are starting to disintegrate due to the heavy energies that are attacking them." Norma continues: "So, the work here starts with us. We are the ones that have created this difficulty and we are the ones to get ourselves out of this. It starts with each individual caring about themselves, getting back to their roots, figuring out what love means to them, and understanding love as a neutral vibration. If we are having a hard time connecting with it, do the work to find it, to find that bit of truth of love vibration within us. We need to stop putting judgement or blame on others. When we are doing that, we are attacking them through fears that we have of our own. Fears of inadequacy, of not living up to something, of not really knowing our truth. When we stand and know our place in the love vibration, then our whole outlook changes. We live less through judgement and more through empowerment." Connecting with love helps us match to our true self, our intuition, our spirit. This vibration radiates, amplifying the ability for others to receive and find a similar vibration within themselves, creating an opportunity for a massive psychic healing. In 2020 Predictions, Adora says: "Through all of the challenges each of you is experiencing, there is an opportunity to go deeper into compassion for yourselves. To balance all of the strength needed for the change and shape shifting that you are all undergoing is to remember your ability for self love and compassion. Those very sweet, comforting forces lie just below the angst of change and are available for your use at any time. I want to go deeper into saying that they're not just there for your use but for your absorption. Absorb compassion and self love, absorb them to find your center, your wholeness. Absorb those vibrations to remember how far you've come, to remember the challenges on your journey, to remember the lovely parts of your ancestral history, the depth of change that your species has gone through. Remember that humans have a common desire for love, companionship, community, and creation. Remember also the brilliance of beauty that those vibrations create. As Jenine was talking about vulnerability, go into that vibration and research for yourself how to wield it as a strength. Create safety through a foundation in love for yourself, coming from a perspective of expressing through love. Understand love as a movement through all of you as beings in a community, recognizing the inherent beauty in that." Empowerment Vibrates in the Present In readings, I have noticed that information coming through is more focused on the present than ever before. I am always open to future information, but that is just not coming through now. During this uncertain time, the focus is on taking small steps in the present. In Rise into the New Vibration, Norma says: "Don't be afraid of what you don't know. Start with an initial act of doing and allow that act to unfold into the next. In this, you find the pattern, you find the path, you find your movement forward. Focusing on each individual act is to be in the present moment. Trying to know every answer before acting is projecting yourself into the future. None of you are being asked to be in the future right now. All of your work is in today, through your daily chores and your to do lists. Be open to the conscious, mindful, and intuitive moments and act on them through your body. These are the building blocks of creation that you are being asked to put forth right now. Everyone is being asked make this movement. Everybody is feeling this pull from this innate knowledge to do more with their life, to do more with themselves, to do more with what they have been given. You can see this drive to adapt, change, and create amongst conversations with friends and through actions within society. The needed changes must be done now. If they are not, the future as you have been projecting it will cease to be. In your creating in the now, you are actively sculpting the future, adapting it to the greater needs of the whole. Don't worry about what might be, simply act off your intuitions in this present moment. Your only duty is to take the very next step, and then the one after that, and the one after that. All of your answers lie in those intuitions. It all starts right now." Creating through trust in our intuition? YES! I’m in. This is a big shift for many. But, universal laws have our back! In How the Future is Constructed, Norma says: "So when you start to think about your trajectory, you do not need to know all the intricacies. It is OK to have a broad sense of your direction. Start big and then whittle. The way that you whittle is by observing what's working for you, what’s not working for you, and what seems to be pushing you in a particular trajectory that feels exciting, creative, and expansive. This is when manifestation starts to take shape. You can see the product of your thoughts, your intentions, your actions starting to form into one movement. Manifesting a trajectory has an aspect of giving involved. By embracing the action of your self expression, your vibration enhances others in their lives and then ripples out to the larger world. So when you investigate into creating your trajectory, look for that point of attraction that encompasses many pieces of what you're trying to create into one bundle. Dive deep into this expression of movement forward while always still remaining in the present moment. Those present moments tied together do form the constant and consistent trajectory forward that is your future. Every second past the one you are a living is the future. They all build upon themselves to create a vision of expression that is different from the one that you are inhabiting now." COVID-19 is influencing a massive shift in the human experience. What this shift will look like is yet to be understood or foretold. We must trust our ability to heal, grow, and create for ourselves. In Trust in the Co-Creation Process, Adora says: "Trust in the universe’s ability to weave on your behalf. Even though you have been in a survival mode, the universe has been taking care of all of the pieces for you, helping you to weave them. Although it has seemed out of your control, your vibration has inspired the weaving that is in alignment with your spirit’s desire and drive to create. Unbeknownst to you, this weaving has been forming and moving. From where you sit now, in this moment of retreat, release, of opening, look in again to see what your spirit needs to heal, what it needs to move forward. You're getting the gift of looking at the arc of events that have not only lead you from where you were to where you are, but to help you trust in where you are going. So the future may feel unknown but it is not. It resides within you, resides within your spirit’s true desires for creation. Now is the time to filter anxieties, fear, low level energies that like to come in to usurp your creative drive. Your job in the present is to notice those low-level energies and continue to talk them out and bring them into the light. The work is to consistently receive and filter your spirit’s information in the present. As you express your spirit’s guidance, universal laws help you effortlessly weave the desired pattern. This is the co-creation process." Creating a New Paradigm through Harmony COVID-19 is challenging us to utilize these tools to positively influence society. We do that by employing harmony. In 2020 Predictions, Adora says: "Now, there is a harmony that is being asked to come forth. Instead of bouncing between the opposing forces of battle vs beauty, search for the harmony that resides within the dichotomy. Find harmony’s vibration of patience and understanding, and the balance found when addressing the needs of the individual and the community. In 2020, look for the vibration of harmony between two struggling parties. Ask how the parties can become neutral and uncover a resolution that satisfies all. This harmonic practice can be cultivated by the individual working out a process of change. This harmonic practice can be cultivated in communities and seen in the natural world. So ask, how can we create steps that call out the properties of harmony? Currently, the push-pull that you are all experiencing is creating interference. Ask yourself, when have you noticed this energy in your life? When have you felt like your emotions, thoughts, or way of life was being attacked either by the challenges in change that you are facing, or challenges in the community or larger society in general? Ask yourself to find the harmony in the middle of that dichotomy. Where does that harmonic line lie and what steps do you need to take to vibrate with harmony? Allow for the use of harmony to create a new natural balance and usher in recovery. Harmony allows for changes to be made and new foundations to be set with grace and ease. Harmony allows for the existence of differing opinions to be expressed in a way that is safe for everyone involved. To get to the greatest good, all need to feel like their voices are being heard. When facing a challenge from the vibration of harmony, it allows for all aspects involved to be given attention while the new foundation for the greatest good can find its platform. In 2020, you are all making this movement towards understanding harmony. You are making this move to become vulnerable inside yourself, to find your strength in that vulnerability, to speak your truth, to live through your intuition's messages, and for all to be respected and feel free to explore their life paths." A Message from the Galactic Light Foundation Recently I was meditating to release very tense and anxious energy in my space that was influenced by COVID-19. As I sat and grounded, released, and replenished my energy, I clairvoyantly noticed a large group of beings appear in front of me. They said they were the Galactic Light Foundation and wanted to share this message: "You have come here to heal. To live, to breath, to flourish. Now it’s time to open to universal law. Allow empathic matching to dissolve. To collect light, you need to give it. It is time to match to higher resources. It’s not to be a leader, but a doer… a creator. Leave the empathic lessons behind, it is time to be driven by the light." Through COVID-19, we are watching the progression of human evolution. Now is the time to go within and find our spirit’s true voice, to work in creation with that vibration, and give others the space to do the same. Allow yourself time to get comfortable with this new and improved frequency. Talk about your discoveries with family and friends. Doing so enables this frequency to ripple out, supporting others in their journey and supporting humanity, and the Earth, in its evolution. We will do this, all for one, and one for all. Comments are closed.
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