A Look Ahead As we move into January and February we will be continuing to process lessons from 2017. This time of the year resistance will be popping up through feeling lethargic and like we are stuck in a rut. It is important to remember that we are removing old energy from our space that is no longer a match to our highest good. If we do not label how we feel but instead consciously trust our innate intuition, we will flow through this shift with grace and ease. This yields the healthiest of processes, allowing the space for healing and creativity. If we stick with our intentions for 2018, moving into March we will begin to feel the transition from resistance from empowerment. How much we connect with it is dependent on our engagement with our personal development. Life will start to find a flow again but moving forward will not necessarily be easy. We are simultaneously in a process of letting go of the past and creating our present. This is not an easy task. To stay engaged and on track, we have to focus on creating our life through our intentions. As April comes around the energy really starts to pick up. The end of April is like a spark, pushing us out of whatever resistance we have been working with and calling us to start acting on our intentions. We will be feeling anxious or excited, frustrated or empowered, all dependent on how well we stayed on track for ourselves in the previous months of the year. We can start to see our intentions take shape and/or continue along the trajectory we have planned. Make good choices everyday. Be patient and calculated in your moves forward. In May through July we will see energy calm a bit. But this will amplify our ability to move forward. As we begin to see our lives take shape based on good choices framed by the creation of our intentions, personal empowerment has the opportunity to manifest on a greater level. We begin to notice how we are consciously working with our energy and that of the universe to create our life path. The pressures from the world around us begin to intensify again in August. This is the time to check in with our meditation practice. Keep it on a schedule. If you can only do five minutes a day, go for it. We need to be grounded at this time in particular to help us steady the ebb and flow of energies around us, acting as a catalyst for foundational forces. We should take this role on if we have the energy resources available to help society in this manner. If not, we should focus on keep our own self in balance. At this time it will be imperative to stay in alignment with our intentions and consciously give to society in a positive manner. As we move into September, hunker down, check on your progress with your intentions for the year. Are you on track? If yes, how do you need to adjust or update your intentions with where you are now and what you have learned? If not, be thankful that you checked in with yourself with the purpose of finding some foundation within yourself. Then, look at your intentions again and write down what you need to shift to start moving with the flow of your intentions. Did some not come to fruition? That’s ok, reevaluate. Maybe you didn’t really connect with them in the first place, or maybe you didn’t go deep enough into disciplining yourself in your connection with them. So, adjust, start again, or change it up. As we move towards October- November, we will feel some relief in the turbulent energy we have been experiencing. This is mostly due to the shift in seasons and help from nature shifting our attention inward. Make sure to review what you have learned throughout the year. Move into love at this time. Allow what you have created through the year to permeate into your knowledge of self. See what steps you were able to conquer and make happen. This is a time for self appreciation for the moves you were able to create. In December, notice how you were able to reshape your life over the past year. Ask yourself:
Empower Your Path In 2017 we were faced with an overwhelming amount of adversity. For 2018, that adversity is here to stay. It is here to help us all wake up and become more conscious of our choices, our selves, and our relations to each other. By working in conjunction with our thoughtful intentions, we can work through the challenge of resistance into true personal empowerment. We can find peace and fulfillment within and respect for one another. The year ahead holds the promise of great growth for the individual. How do you want to show up for the challenge?
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